RRHS has a long history of being closely tied to its community. In 2011, it received a grant to officially become a Community Learning Centre.

As a Community Learning Centre (“CLC”), RRHS belongs to a network of community schools across Quebec that serve as “hubs” for English-language education and community development in their respective communities. CLCs promote lifelong learning, while enhancing the relationships between schools, students, parents and the community. While many of the activities offered through CLC partnerships take place in the classroom or during the school-day, others are offered at the community level.
Some of our Community Activities at RRHS:
- Our Vital Community micro-grants program
- Ready, Set, Grow Early Years program for parents with babies and toddlers
- Tea & Talk afternoons for seniors
- Richmond Health & Wellness Fair
- Community Movie Nights (“Movie Mania Fridays”)*
- Educational Videoconferences (Quebec Farmers’ Association, Community Health Education Program)*
* Some activities are presently suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Richmond, Danville & Drummondville area CLC: 2021-22 focus
Richmond, Danville & Drummondville area CLC: Annual Report 2020-21
Richmond Region CLC Overview 2019-2020
For more information, please contact our CLC Community Development Agent:
Siu-Min Jim at 819-826-3702 ext. 24026 or

At the Richmond & Region Community Learning Center (CLC), we greatly value our many partners, who actively contribute to student success and community vitality. Without them, many actions carried through the years, would simply not have been possible.
On behalf of the Richmond & Region Community Learning Center, the Richmond community and Richmond Regional High School, we would like to say, Thank you!
Our Community Partners:
- André Bachand, MNA
- Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du comté de Richmond
- Centre des femmes du point l’ancrage
- CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS
- La Tablée des Chefs
- Literacy in Action
- Maison de la famille Les Arbrisseaux
- Maxi / President’s Choice Children’s Charity
- Mental Health Estrie
- Movie Mania Committee
- Quebec Farmers’ Association
- Town of Richmond
- Townshippers’ Association
- ValFamille
This is an ever-growing list, as new partnerships are constantly developed, and will be updated in time.