Academic programs
Cycle 1 (secondary 1 & 2) Courses
- English
- French
- Regular, Enriched and Mother tongue Options
- Mathematics
- Science & Technology
- Geography
- History & Citizenship
- Physical Education & Health, + enriched option
- Ethics
- Art, drama, dance, music, + enriched option
Cycle 2 (secondary 3, 4, 5) Courses
- Art, drama, or industrial arts
- English
- Ethics
- French
- Regular or Enriched option
- Mathematics
- Science & Technology
- History & Citizenship
- Physical Education & Health
- Personal Orientation Project (POP)
- Chemistry
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Sciences
- Exploration of Vocational Ed.
- Fitness
- Independent Living
- Math SN
- Metal/Mechanical shop
- Physics
- Wood Working Shop
Special Needs
- Handicapped Student Attendant (HSA)
- Level I students with special needs grouped together with a small class size.
- Level I adapted program
- Resource Teacher
- Behaviour Technician
- Special Education Technician
- School Psycho educator
- School Psychologist
- Drug Re-adaptation Counselor
- Guidance Counselor
Other Support for our Academic Program
- Develop an Individual Education Plan for our “at risk” students (IEP)
- Noon-hour homework room
- Extensive Tutoring Program
- Teacher-run tutorials at noon hour in Math.
- Older students tutoring younger students.
- Teacher run tutorials after school during last term
- Organize the Secondary I and II classes with core teachers.
- Provide a specific ‘encadrement’ and mentoring program for students at risk in Level 3 and 5.